My preliminary sketch helped me map out negative and positive areas and gave me a rough idea of the design.  Assignment 2 was the culmination of this drawing section on ‘Your Own Environment ‘,and a piece to show what one had learnt. With this in mind I chose mixed media to include collage, brush and pen with ink, soft pencil, watercolour pencils, charcoal , oil pastel and chalk pastel . I made the subject the kitchen,   a place where much communication goes on. Hence the title Kitchen Talk.Preliminary sketch for Assignment 2

My final piece evolved from the above rough sketch and was made from a mixture of observation, memory and imagination.ASSIGNMENT 2- KITCHEN TALK

How does the assessment criteria for this course match up to Assignment 2?

A large part of this drawing section has been trying out different media concentrating on the subjects of natural and man-made  objects, animals/birds, and the home. Kitchen Talk  was a subject that lent itself to mixed media with its focus on figures within a domestic setting which would include both small objects and furniture.

A large space was created into which smaller areas and objects created contrast. The two figures,essential to the subject ,added  depth to the composition. Mark making, colour and light and shade all helped to give the picture atmosphere. If I repeated I would work more on the tonal aspects of the colours. Also I wondered about including a cat.

However I felt the final piece had a certain zing created by the green coloured pencil that was complementary to the warm reddish colours.

Invention and experimentation were part of my practice together with a concerted effort at observational drawing .

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