




I’m Lesley Norman, a retired infant teacher who has spent much of her life with children from pre-school to 6 year olds plus having 4 children herself.  Over the years I watched children draw and paint and, when in my twenties, starting painting at the City Lit in London but had no idea how to draw.  Moving to Kent my interest waned but in the 1990’s due to a many circumstances, I went on a job share and started attending an adult education class in Dover run by the brilliant tutor, David Innis.  This was the start of a passion . At that time there were oca groups meeting once a month and I was lucky enough to have David as my tutor . There was no formal assessment but the courses were excellent and I thrived – learning to draw ‘in my own way’ as David put it.  By 2000 David had retired and I spent several years gaining art history and literature degrees with the open university- but all the time keeping some painting and drawing going.  Now I am starting again , this time going for assessment.  It never fails to excite me, just getting something down on the page gives me a buzz.  So – the start of a Painting degree – let’s hope I’m up to it.